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How To Contact Us

To contact us, just fill in the easy message form below and tap to submit. Or, scroll to the bottom of the page for other methods such as mail or phone.

While comments about each recipe can be made on their own recipe page, you can also opt to comment on one here, if you like.  It’s all about what’s easiest and more convenient.  Just know that your comments here on this “Contact Us” page are not tied to any recipe and don’t automatically appear under any particular recipe.

If you want to ask a food related question or talk about this site, we’re all ears.  You might want to know the best way to cut a cantaloupe, make a steak more tender, or remove a strawberry daiquiri stain.  Well, we might be able to help with the first 2.

Request a Recipe or Food Article

The site is always growing with new recipes and it sometimes has a new article too.  So, if you would like to see a new recipe or an article on a particular topic you’re interested in, just Contact Us (below)  We’d love to hear from you.

We hope you enjoy our site as we work extremely hard to ensure it works well and continues to expand.  We use multiple sources for research, like Wikipedia and others.

We have a great background in the foods industry in both commercial and generational lines. Read more about us and visit our main home page on™ and see all the recipes and topics of the modern, updated Southern way of foods preparation.

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1591 Savannah Highway, suite 201
Charleston, SC
Phone+1 843-628-1606