Recipe Conversion CALCULATORS

These are recipe conversion calculators. They’re all easy to use. Also, this is a part of our Food Guides & Resources category.
Types of Recipe Conversion Calculators
We can categorize cooking calculators into four main types. The types of cooking/recipe calculators involve Volume, Weight, Temperature, and Ingredient Measurement.
- VOLUME Conversion Calculators
- CUPS Conversion Calculators
- GRAMS Conversion Calculators
- OUNCES Conversion Calculators
- TABLESPOONS Conversion Calculators
- WEIGHT Conversion Calculators
- TEMPERATURE Conversion Calculators
- INGREDIENT MEASUREMENT Conversion Calculators
About Volume Converter Calculators
Volume Conversion Calculators are to measure an ingredient by the amount of space it takes up and its weight. Some ingredient measurements use different terms for each type. For example, the term “tablespoon” is a measurement of volume, not weight.
There are some measurement terms that are used in both the volume and weight categories. An example of that is “ounce”. That term appears in both volume and weight measurements. So, the solutions was to add a descriptor to that term so you’ll know whether it’s referring to weight or volume measurement. They added the term “fluid” to show whether it’s referring to weight or volume measurement.
A “fluid ounce” is the volume measurement, and an “ounce” usually means its weight. You might notice this on cans of tomato sauce, for example, when it says “10 fl ounces”. Does everyone follow that guide and use “fluid” in describing a volume measurement for ounces? No, there’s no guarantee.
About Weight Converter Calculators
Weight conversion calculators are about an ingredient’s weight, not the volume or space that it uses. Weight conversion calculators do not use the term “fluid” in their calculations.. For instance, we do not use the term “fluid ounces” in weight conversion calculators. We use the term “ounces” here, referring to weight and not volume.
About Temperature Converter Calculators
You can make several temperature conversions. Regarding cooking, we only care about Fahrenheit and Celsius degrees conversion. Most countries around the world use Celsius degrees. So, sometimes we need to convert theirs to our U.S. Fahrenheit degrees.
About Ingredient Measurement Conversion Calculators
Here’s a real good set of Cooking Calculators at GigaCalculator.
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