How Much Turkey Per Person & WHAT SIZE TURKEY for 2-20 People

how much turkey per person to know what size turkey to buy

This chart will help guide you to decide what size turkey you need for knowing how much turkey per person. Keep reading to see our chart based on portion sizes, count of guests, and other surprising considerations. Also, this is in our Food Guides, Holidays, Christmas, and Thanksgiving categories.

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Introduction To What Size Turkey Do I Need

So, if your holiday dinner meal is including turkey, your first question is how much turkey per person so I’ll know what size turkey to buy. Also, if you’re feeding a group anywhere between 4 to 20 people, check our “How Much Turkey per Person & What Size To Buy Chart” to decide what bird size to buy. Most important, choosing the right turkey size will make your holiday dinner far less stressful. We’ll cover all the factors to consider getting the perfect size of this poultry.

Overall, you’ll need to think through these factors to help you decide.

  • Calculate portions per person. We compare cooked vs purchased weight to have.
  • Also, consider anyone’s dietary or nutritional desires.
  • Then, figure out white vs dark meat amounts for everyone. We make it easy.
  • Finally, decide how you’ll be cooking the turkey. Do you have the right tools and equipment?

How Much Turkey Per Person

This turkey size chart shows you how much turkey per person including adults and children. Firstly, consider the perfect turkey size based on portions per person. There are a few surprising things to take into consideration. And it’s more than just counting how many people are being served. It’s also about how they eat this big bird. Will everyone eat white and dark meat both? Are there any heavy eaters? Do you want to ensure there are leftovers? If you follow the typical charts, you’ll have a big problem. So, keep reading to get a good understanding of them so you don’t run out. And look forward to arriving at our own real world chart of what size turkey to buy.

Know How Many People to Know How Much Turkey Per Person

The number of guests is the very first start to determine what size turkey to buy. Most turkey portion serving sizing charts are based using a bone-in turkey. A chart might say 1 to 1.5 pounds of purchased turkey per person, so an 8-pound turkey is allegedly perfect for 6-8 people. I say NO! Initially, the bone removes some of that weight. Secondly, the weight becomes further reduced during cooking. Thirdly, charts assume everyone will eat both dark & white meat. Finally, the charts ensure there would be no leftovers. So, keep reading to see our reality chart.

Determine How Much White Turkey Per Person Needed

Be sure you know how much white turkey per person. Although they vary a bit, turkeys are generally about 70% white meat and 30% dark meat. It’s a higher percentage of people who prefer white meat over dark meat. And some people will not eat dark meat at all. So, consider a bone-in turkey of about 2 pounds per person. You’ll generally have a good balance for everyone.

Decide on Ideas for Leftover Turkey Per Person

Be sure and plan on having enough leftover turkey per person. Usually, there will be a lot of side dishes left over, right? So, make sure you have extra turkey to go along with them. Also, you can use that leftover turkey for several good alternate meals like using it in a salad, on sandwiches, and for subs. I’ve even used turkey cutup and grilled in a skillet with some BBQ sauce mixed in it.

Dietary or Nutritional Considerations

Now, look at how much turkey per person’s servings to accommodate dietary restrictions. If any of your guests have those, such as being vegetarian or gluten-free, adjust the turkey size down or up.

For example, if you have any vegetarian guests, consider choosing a smaller turkey size. But ensure you’ve increased the vegetarian side dishes overall. However, if you have some big eaters who are not vegetarian, get a larger turkey size to ensure there’s plenty to go around.

How Much Turkey To Buy per Person

While there’s a “How Much Turkey per Person & What Size To Buy Chart” that gives all numbers of guests, here’s a short version of each number of people coming.

How Much Turkey for 4 People

Mobile Readers TIP: Rotate phone sideways (landscape) to view chart better.

4 Min & No Leftovers6 Max & No Leftovers8/3.66.5/34 /1.8
4 Min & Leftovers7 Max & Leftovers9/4.17/3.24.5/2.0
How Much Turkey for 4 People & What Size To Buy CHART

How Much Turkey for 6 People

Mobile Readers TIP: Rotate phone sideways (landscape) to view chart better.

6 Min & No Leftovers9 Max & No Leftovers12/5.49.5/4.36/2.7
6 Min & Leftovers10 Max & Leftovers13/5.910/4.56.5/3
How Much Turkey for 6 People & What Size To Buy CHART

How Much Turkey for 8 People

Mobile Readers TIP: Rotate phone sideways (landscape) to view chart better.

8 Min & No Leftovers11 Max & No Leftovers16/7.313/5.98/3.6
8 Min & Leftovers12 Max & Leftovers17/7.713.5/6.18.5/3.9
How Much Turkey for 8 People & What Size To Buy CHART

How Much Turkey for 10 People

Mobile Readers TIP: Rotate phone sideways (landscape) to view chart better.

10 Min & No Leftovers14 Max & No Leftovers20/9.116/7.310/4.6
10 Min & Leftovers16 Max & Leftovers22/10.218/8.311/5.1
How Much Turkey for 10 People & What Size To Buy CHART

How Much Turkey Per Person Chart – See What Size Turkey To Get

Here is our “How Much Turkey per Person & What Size To Buy Chart” of best recommendations for what size turkey to buy. It should serve you well and reduce stress. Keep in mind it’s a guide and is good for you to adjust up or down to better fit your own situation.

This turkey servings size per person chart will guide you to what turkey size to get. It has a lower and higher number of servings. The lower servings number allows for individual preferences and leftovers. And the higher servings number is the absolute maximum where you’ll run out of white meat and have no leftovers.

What size turkey to buy and remove wrapping

TURKEY SIZING CHART of What Size Turkey To Buy

Mobile Readers TIP: Rotate phone sideways (landscape) to view chart better.

2 Min & No Leftovers3 Max & No Leftovers4/1.83.25/1.52 /0.9
2 Min & Leftovers4 Max & Leftovers4.75/2.24/1.83/1.35
4 Min & No Leftovers6 Max & No Leftovers8/3.66.5/34 /1.8
4 Min & Leftovers7 Max & Leftovers9/4.17/3.24.5/2.0
5 Min & No Leftovers8 Max & No Leftovers10/4.58/3.65/2.3
5 Min & Leftovers9 Max & Leftovers11/59/4.15.5/2.5
6 Min & No Leftovers9 Max & No Leftovers12/5.49.5/4.36/2.7
6 Min & Leftovers10 Max & Leftovers13/5.910/4.56.5/3
7 Min & No Leftovers10 Max & No Leftovers14/6.411/57/3.2
7 Min & Leftovers11 Max & Leftovers15/6.812/5.47.5/3.4
8 Min & No Leftovers11 Max & No Leftovers16/7.313/5.98/3.6
8 Min & Leftovers12 Max & Leftovers17/7.713.5/6.18.5/3.9
9 Min & No Leftovers13 Max & No Leftovers18/8.214.5/6.69/4.1
9 Min & Leftovers14 Max & Leftovers19/8.615/6.89.5/4.3
10 Min & No Leftovers14 Max & No Leftovers20/9.116/7.310/4.5
10 Min & Leftovers16 Max & Leftovers22/10.218/8.311/5.1
20 Min & No Leftovers28 Max & No Leftovers40/18.232/14.620/9
20 Min & Leftovers32 Max & Leftovers44/20.436/16.622/10.2
How Much Turkey Per Person & What Size To Buy CHART

Butterball uses a fairly good conversion calculator, and its values reflect similar to ours if you choose to have leftovers and have heavy eaters. However, use caution when selecting a child’s portion, as most calculators say that children eat half of what an adult eats. That might be true except for grown teenagers.

Cooking Methods and Equipment

Finally, we talk about getting the correct turkey size for your cooking methods and equipment. The size of this poultry will depend your cooking method and what equipment you need to have.

What Size Turkey Has Impact in the Oven

For example, if baking in the oven, you’ll need a roaster pan and an oven large enough for it. You might also want to use a rack that goes inside your roasting pan. Also, many might plan on baking some casseroles on the top shelf over the turkey. But, you’ll need to prepare to plan around that in just in case. Some large turkeys will force the upper shelf to be too high to fit your casserole dishes with their lids.

Turkey in the oven needs a roasting pan, baster, and meat thermometer.

What size turkey in the oven

A baster is a good tool to have for basting to keep it moist. Also desired is a meat thermometer or other food temperature gauge for inserting midway into the breast to check for doneness.

Outdoor Cooking Turkey

Or, if deep frying, will it fit in your fryer? Here’s another option, if you’re thinking of grilling on a rotisserie. There’s a weight limit to electric rotisseries. Many will have a limit of 12 to 15 pounds, although the better ones can handle around 20 pounds.

Also, smoking or grilling turkey breast on the grill using indirect heat are a couple of other options for outdoor cooking. Be sure you have plenty of extra charcoal or fuel.

Related To Turkey

Here are some related articles involving turkey as the main course.

Conclusion to What Size Turkey is Needed

So, now you’ve seen the “How Much Turkey per Person & What Size To Buy Chart” and you know what size turkey to get for your guests. Also, by using our Chart”, you’ll be able to estimate how much white & dark meat, leftover amount, and light or heavy eaters. Reading over all the things to think about makes more sense to follow our turkey sizing chart. Also, you’ll have less stress and a far better chance of success following our recommendation of how much turkey to buy.

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  1. very helpful turkey chart. Also, I never thought about the amount of white meat before. So, thanks for that tip.

  2. 5 stars
    Wow, fantastic turkey size chart! And the full layout of your
    website is great, as neatly as the content!

  3. 5 stars
    I’m glad I saw your post on current Turkey sizes to get. I was going to get one too small. And we want leftovers so, that was creative to include that in your chart for turkey per person.